【Store limited release / STORE'S ONLY】
A lot of goods are now on sale, such as the popular flower cushions from "©Takashi Murakami / kaikai kiki"!

"©Takashi Murakami / kaikai kiki"
Goods are on sale only at cherry stores!

Popular merchandise by Takashi Murakami will be sold exclusively at cherry fukuok stores!

cherry fukuoka is one of the few shops in the world that carries official Takashi Murakami merchandise.

This time, various goods are on sale only at stores, centering on the popular flower cushions!

Flower cushions are available in the most popular color “Rainbow” and new colors.
We have a wide range of sizes, from 30cm and 60cm sizes for sofas, to large sizes (1m, 1.5m, 2m, 2.5m) that can be placed on the floor.

In addition, we also sell apparel items such as collaboration bags with "PORTER", which has become a hot topic, and T-shirts and sweatshirts.

In addition,
"Flower key chains (new colors / standard colors)" that can be enjoyed as accessories for the summer season, stickers, pin badges, rubber rings, smartphone cases and rings, Kaikai & Kiki and panda brush toys, and mugs that decorate the dining table are also on sale. !

[Over-the-counter limited sale]
cherry fukuoka

Daimyo 1-1-9, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City 1F
TEL: 092-717-5502